If you manage a shared CML instance you probably have to remind your coworkers regularly to shut their labs down regularly to free up the node count. This is unfortunately not something that can be automatically handled out of the box, so we’ll have to make our own fix for this.
The solution
The easiest way to do this is to shut down all running labs each night. This isn’t perfect, but people quickly learn to save their configs after losing progress once or twice. We will accomplish this with a python script and a cronjob
The script
The python script fetches all labs, then shuts them down. This is written for and tested on CML 2.8, you might have to alter this if you are working with a newer/older version. You can download the script from github with the following command wget -O stopnodes.py "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/torbbang/a35db75a53ad8923216d25b7495cceb9/raw/8c8e21f1498375bff974ff56551711cffa760ffc/gistfile1.txt"
import requests, json
import urllib3
username = "your username"
password = "your password"
baseurl = "https://your.host.name/api/v0"
def authenticate(baseurl, username, password):
payload = {
"username": username,
"password": password
token = response = requests.post(url=f"{baseurl}/authenticate", data=json.dumps(payload), verify=False).json()
def main():
token = authenticate(baseurl=baseurl, username=username, password=password)
lab_list = requests.get(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"},
params={"show_all": True},
for lab in lab_list:
response = requests.put(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"},
verify = False)
if response.status_code == 204:
print("Lab stopped successfully: " + str(lab))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Recurring job
To make this run each night at 02:00 you can add it to the sysadmin account crontab. You do this by entering crontab edit mode with crontab -e
and appending the following line 0 2 * * * python3 /home/sysadmin/stopall.py
Happy labbing!
See Also
- EEM in Catalyst Center templates 📅👨💼
- PNP Licence level change 🔀🪪
- EVE-NG Netplan configuration 🌐🙆
- Ubuntu, SecureCRT & Telnet links 🐧🔗
- Catlyst 8000v cEdge support in EVE-ng 🧭🥼
Got feedback or a question?
Feel free to contact me at hello@torbjorn.dev